One so-called 'attribute' to our state is, apparently, is that we are one of the most bicycle-friendly states in the country. We tear up railroad tracks and pave over grass to cater to spandex wearing yuppies that STILL ride in traffic. They can't ride single-file - always tandem - creating a bigger menace to us all.
What's the story on these cubicle-working pencil necks? I have seen some of these guys - that obviously could grow a beard - with not a hair on their legs! Others wear shirts touting sponsors. Don't think so, boys. But they all seem to avoid these bike paths we have spent millions to construct to keep them safe. Rather, they like to be seen with their asses sticking up, weaving in and out of traffic. Look at me! I'm active! I have a hobby!
In closing, when I hear on the news that one of these clowns gets tagged by a car, I sympathize with the motorist that was put into a no-win situation. Our roads were built to accommodate CARS and bikes.